spicy began riding dirt bikes at six-years old. At nineteen-years old Spicy bought their first motorcycle and has been riding on the street since. In 15 years slb has been hit and flipped from their motorcycle on four separate occasions.
“I love to ride and I can’t see myself not doing something I love to do because others can’t do something as simple as drive their car. I am working on incorporating other hobbies into my life so I’m not riding as often. I bought my cruiser two months before my accident, I would ride the sports bike and then ride the cruiser. In two months I almost had 5k miles on my new cruiser. I can be excessive at times. Now, at 35 I learn that it’s due to a personality disorder, obsessive compulsive personality disorder.
“ride backpack” means to ride a passenger on a motorcycle. slb does not ride passengers because their safety can’t be guaranteed.